Michael Imossan is a poet, playwright and editor of Ibibio origin. He is the author
of the award-winning chapbook "For the Love of Country and Memory"
(poetrycolumnnd, 2022) as well as the pamphlet "A Prelude to Caving"
(Konyashamsrumi, 2023). His full length manuscript "Broken in Three places" was
named semi-finalist for the Sillerman Prize for African Poetry, 2023.
His Full
length manuscript "All that Refuses to Die" was named winner of the Sillerman
Prize for African Poetry, 2024. He is the curator of the PoetryColumn-NND. He is
a recipient of the PEN international writers grant. His works are forthcoming from;
Ake Review, Frontier Poetry, Chestnut Review, Lucent Dreamings, Sans.Press,
Poetry Sango-Ota, Consequence Forum and elsewhere.
The inaugural Abuja International Poetry Festival 2024 by Nasara Creative explores the evolving role of poetry in the digital age through key cultural partnerships.
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